Which countries can I connect to?

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The full list of countries which you can connect to is shown below.

For instructions on how to set up additional countries on your device, please see the links at the bottom of the page.

Note:If you are on our Free service, the servername that you need to use is fre.mypn.co and your connection will be rotated between different countries we have in our Free VPN cluster.


Country 3 Letter Code
Server Name
Global Global
Free Free fre.mypn.co
United Kingdom GBR gbr.mypn.co
United States USA usa.mypn.co
Argentina ARG arg.mypn.co
Australia AUS aus.mypn.co
 Austria flag Austria AUT aut.mypn.co
Belgium BEL bel.mypn.co
Brazil BRA bra.mypn.co
Canada CAN can.mypn.co
Czech Republic CZE cze.mypn.co
Denmark DNK dnk.mypn.co
Egypt EGY egy.mypn.co
 Estonia flag Estonia EST est.mypn.co
 Finland flag Finland FIN fin.mypn.co
France FRA fra.mypn.co
Germany DEU deu.mypn.co
Hong Kong HKG hkg.mypn.co
 Hungary flag Hungary HUN hun.mypn.co
 Iceland flag Iceland ISL isl.mypn.co
India IND ind.mypn.co
 Indonesia flag Indonesia IDN idn.mypn.co
Ireland IRL irl.mypn.co
 Israel flag Israel ISR isr.mypn.co
Italy ITA ita.mypn.co
Japan JPN jpn.mypn.co
Luxembourg LUX lux.mypn.co
Malaysia MYS mys.mypn.co
Mexico MEX mex.mypn.co
Netherlands NLD nld.mypn.co
New Zealand NZL nzl.mypn.co
Norway NOR nor.mypn.co
 Pakistan flag Pakistan PAK pak.mypn.co
Philippines PHL phl.mypn.co
Poland POL pol.mypn.co
 Portugal flag Portugal PRT prt.mypn.co
 Romania flag Romania ROU rou.mypn.co
Russia RUS rus.mypn.co
Saudi Arabia SAU sau.mypn.co
Singapore SGP sgp.mypn.co
South Africa ZAF zaf.mypn.co
Spain ESP esp.mypn.co
Sweden SWE swe.mypn.co
Switzerland CHE che.mypn.co
 Taiwan flag Taiwan TWN twn.mypn.co
Ukraine UKR ukr.mypn.co

Setting up your connection


Setting up your connection is dependent on which protocol you are using to access our service. If you are using the PPTP or L2TP or the IKev2 protocol (this is the default on iPhone/Pod/Pad), simply create a connection on your system using the correct server name for the target country, as shown in the table.

If you have a Windows-based computer, please use these instructions:


Instructions for Apple devices can be found here:

Apple Devices


Instructions for Android devices can be found in the link below:


Android devices