The instruction below is done on TomatoVPN (Shibby) version 1.28 (update 132) , therefore the steps might differ for other versions of Tomato.
Note: Before proceeding with the steps below, please ensure that you are able to access the Internet via the router.
1) Click on VPN Tunneling followed by OpenVPN Client found at the left side panel.
2) Click Client 1 > Basic
3) Ensure the details of the configuration are as below:
Start With Wan : Checkbox is ticked
Interface Type: TUN
Protocol: UDP
Server Address / Port : | 1194
Note: If you want to connect to any of our other
servers, ie our USA servers, all you need to do is change the server
name. For a detailed list of server names and countries you can connect to, please refer to our knowledge base article below:
Which Countries Can I Connect To?
Firewall: Automatic
Authorization Mode: TLS
Username/Password Authentication : Checkbox is ticked
Username: My Private Network Username
Password: My Private Network Password
Username Authen. Only: Checkbox is left unticked
4) Click on Save on the bottom right corner (beside Cancel)
5) Click on the Advanced tab
6) Ensure the details of the configuration are as below:
Poll Interval : 0
Redirect Internet Traffic : Checkbox is ticked
Accept DNS Configuration : Exclusive
Encryption Cipher : AES-256-CBC
Compression : Disabled
TLS Renegotiation Time : -1
Connection Retry : 30
Verify Server Certificate : Checkbox is NOT ticked
Copy the text below and Paste into the Custom Configuration box.
remote-cert-eku 'TLS Web Server Authentication' resolv-retry infinite route-method exe keepalive 10 30 mssfix 1396 auth SHA256 persist-tun tls-client remote-cert-tls server tls-version-min 1.2
Click on Save
Click on the Keys tab
Copy and paste the two blocks of codes into their respective fields, which can be found below:
Static Key
-----BEGIN OpenVPN Static key V1----- 2ddab7577aeb0db94b5ea9582350cc0d 8fab59f737760b0e8f8c59bae72c32bf 651d40afa0976c18d2539c7d38281aae f4ec2fd06736a22a79651cae7945ee87 93132619a0690bf6f09e8a2317b8ffd5 ea62a667a5a5511d4ddd83b847bd7490 0f039e2c007f49e647b9cac891acb8f1 dffc82a98ddcde2dd1da01d38ab5dbfc 8ab4e4ff647871fc80b4d0d6baa0525b 8b0ccac5d04e34cdf463d8534cddf800 3c7c145eb8661370fa99abb714c2cdcf 82cd78ad7ddbeb329aa72893b06996a3 6572d34020769e828340c16c7021ce08 5e97252a733b2c1191c920d6287759ee 569ab30421edde9cae1a873aa2d54768 67f662cff1f6c38aff7c9d0cfa189c58 -----END OpenVPN Static key V1-----
Certificate Authority
-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIFZDCCA0ygAwIBAgIJAK6fCMRIb4/VMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMCUxIzAhBgNV BAMTGkdsb2JhbCBOZXR3b3JrIFNlcnZpY2VzIENBMCAXDTE2MDUxNzA5MDgyNVoY DzIxMTYwNDIzMDkwODI1WjAlMSMwIQYDVQQDExpHbG9iYWwgTmV0d29yayBTZXJ2 aWNlcyBDQTCCAiIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggIPADCCAgoCggIBAMcDhn7qGtyl PJlSROLb+zoW0mwPVWrwqjV4aqO0DFQWGUtttKgyL2cWgUz6ARcqQQFb7PgUoHh6 /wNlLVF9D0t9i29Iinbpb/gCJDFSDRm/ebQvPkDVGwF1NoWlF55uKAsr0hCDXAYc GJXKzaB9mPnws18pTx+sbP8IqXGJHrf0CcyMGpUxog2jrSYrwY6OB4HgGyON6rzR MwYuOakIYCEZuc9LaBUrKo/CItAfU1ZbNCOXDI/S+pqZv+c0KqDCiCDqrYGehSPw UNNZdaav4YHqIhto6tQCYkaK2Lb/xotFCU2GLzP2q76S7J0Y/uCKMEpE7yauY8ZA Rt8VzgG6FULw9pQaEocDPmNyEeXd+KFM3vHjCHO2J+rlbkPlBmDb4s9z5nLULTfF SK2H2j15/qPvkSIzRESRW9Vv5PnWQT4A3sO/tjAhdMhhTboHCPR6OABQZKWiMgFO hhMCDnUpecNR+ZFJWtCqHS4G/98+neVMz08yGtJi35yVj0w4AADHuGtwOGP+skBq rHRRf6tDEI5brTdsECXbbpRH+VRMTi86F/yeEdPtXBqIv1yQP7yzr4ayKhwXk/wc dWZLsqVIEsjaK48fJ9VwZl39bgAVa6qKaQX6YchuQ1jBO/3mxt7oJweX/GV9AYm7 yydeQnMGGIXc1ACY2XmuqnT8Pr1otYbfAgMBAAGjgZQwgZEwHQYDVR0OBBYEFPNz 8FhOkkAnmwmDYhH4KZ1LQguMMFUGA1UdIwROMEyAFPNz8FhOkkAnmwmDYhH4KZ1L QguMoSmkJzAlMSMwIQYDVQQDExpHbG9iYWwgTmV0d29yayBTZXJ2aWNlcyBDQYIJ AK6fCMRIb4/VMAwGA1UdEwQFMAMBAf8wCwYDVR0PBAQDAgEGMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEB CwUAA4ICAQBOS4VWF2u2upggbaLUH4E7nVUx/6M88RMrjsGK8fwgsbxiDDs+GKb6 g4iyCJqJkqDnBZ3xUeRpqrCKYFU8Fr6k4IicuUUCwp+v3uqakeZVED8s27lv5OY5 v//RB39NHwXH2JwU/9Zsy7eJqOuTlDdlkpEuh5WOBuvpbfpxsm3fJs58AT/2TJSQ jT/h4c6p2mH2CIcjBT599Mvj8V2o6sEhfxxFqMDL29bVcdi/bdBnNGJsCDc1sMEF l5bkuBk7mmm2rlAU32S+oe9RSNxJkaXennE9qx0OcNM68b8Gtj70IkLs9/0SoOMB Zk7Dus9nxfBFIdwEpCTeubmfH5vtVPIfz/WPRwNJAYJooSGHDJh1i0IeVD0o8jtn BLuPIqWCXY1Hjm+0ba58KGnna8BEPWbBvMipmN2lWKsasJShM+9VJFT5HPagUWTL Qt4qjGQB/r0LoVAfFS74OS7+qtfZhPuufNH4MesvvFE8TQwKz9/wPKaJgUxGdhlL 5jUU9wiv081w2ILNKO6rRx78o9j5eUEL3v9BqDD7d5cDpWjgxBGwFK+GEZfE/sKj PiiLYoUkewSIe/UoID310SEZqQUddOTBP+XX13Mq/PgtdWy8r7Yl5vpCJpapASYX 8l5WigGiyHqd3MvL2DO1EoPOQzkwwn2FBKmW6EI6/jfoFqjuWQgBww== -----END CERTIFICATE-----
Click on Save and Start Now to start connecting to our VPN servers.
To confirm if you are indeed connected and getting our VPN IP address, open your browser and head on to My Private Network IP Info page to check your IP address.
Any Problems?
Kindly give this a try and if you’re unable to connect, please head to Logs (Under Status) > View Last 50 Lines and let us know the contents of the log files by contacting our technical support team at [email protected] and we’ll do our best to assist you further.