Error 691

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If you are getting Error 691, then either your account is not active on the server you are trying to connect to, or you have entered the incorrect username or password.

Note, if this was working before and you have not changed your password, it is most likely an issue with your account.

To check on your account, please log in to our website using your e-mail and password. Under My Subscription, you will be able to see whether your subscription is active and which plan you are currently subscribed to.

If your account is active and you are still unable to connect, please double check the username and password you are using, sometimes you can accidentally mistype the password and this is not immediately obvious. 


Delete both the saved username and password and then re-enter them carefully. 


Note: To login to the VPN, you will need to use your VPN username and password. You will only need to use your e-mail address when logging into our website.

Give that a try and if you have any further problems, please send us an email to [email protected] and we will do our very best to assist you.