Which OpenVPN connection should I use?

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If you are using our VPN service on Windows, Mac OSX, Linux or from an Android device, most likely you are connecting via our SSL OpenVPN applications (OpenVPN for Windows, Tunnelblick for Mac, MPN VPN Manager app for Android) and the OpenVPN plugin for Linux.


In that case, you have a number of port / protocols combination that you can use to connect to our service. Please note that by default, you will be using our standard UDP 1194 connection and unless you have a specific need to use the other options, we recommend that you leave the settings as it is.


UDP 1194
Runs on UDP protocol over port 1194, which is the default connection that is used by OpenVPN and by our service. We recommend using the UDP connections first as these are quicker and does not have the overhead that comes with TCP.

ES UDP 4096
Runs on UDP protocol over port 4096 and our most secure connection. However, since this connection will be constantly be updated with our latest best security practices, you will need to reload your configuration whenever there is an update to be able to use it. For more details on this connection, please refer to our article here:


What is your most secure protocol?

TCP 1194
Runs on TCP protocol over the standard OpenVPN port 1194. Use this only if you are unable to connect via UDP or via TCP 443 on your network.

TCP 443
Runs on TCP protocol over port 443 which is the port used by secure http ( HTTPS ) traffic, if you are having problems with port 1194 please give this a try as it is less likely to be blocked by your network.


For further clarification or information, kindly contact us at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.